the rabbit with a green bow

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011

Let me introduce you to the MAD MEN.

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Fine ladies and gentlemen show up in the U.S. series (2007) MAD MEN.
The viewer finds himself in the early 1960s in New York City. The main focus is put on the fictional advertising agency Sterling Cooper and their employees, their dependents and the immediate environment.
The main character is the attractive and talented Donald (short: Don) Draper: women adore him and his colleagues burst with envy because of his professional success.
Everything seems like a perfectly illuminated scenery: beautiful women, even more beautiful dresses, great cars, fancy houses, idyllic family life which is maintained by the busy housewives and helpful neighbors. The "American Dream" presented on a golden platter et voilà!
Behind the scenes: jealousy, not so perfect housewives with mental health problems, fraud, concealed identities.
And do not forget: consumption of alcohol in vast quantities: the glass of water or cup of coffee becomes a strong cocktail, and this non-stop. And who really likes to breathe fresh, clean air? The MAD MEN certainly not, because in the whole series, there is hardly a second that does not glow a cigarette. It's just ironic that Don Draper and his colleagues have problems to bring the cigarette with honest means to the man for a big customer at the beginning.
The series is about men with big ideas, "honeys" in advertising agencies, whose highest goal would be to go with one of their chiefs to bed, and a breathtakingly beautiful scenery (of course including the magnificent robes of the ladies).

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